5 december 2023

#649. Adventskalenderlucka 3…

What place has the state of Israel in the history of God and man? 

"I consider the creation of the modern state of Israel, in so far as it is to be considered, in the context of the fulfillment of the Old Testament (and that's your question), omitting all other possible explanations, as another, a new sign of the electing and providentially ruling grace and faithfulness of God to that seed of Abraham. A very visible sign, visible for every [...] of the papers, the whole world. A sign who is not be overlooked. After the horrors of the Hitler-time the reappearence of Israel, now as a nation in the political land, in as a state. That may well be called a miracle for all who have eyes to see, and as candle for all those who have not eyes to see. Remember the answer given to Frederik the Great and his men – a proof for God's existence? 'Your Majesty, the Jews'. And we could now add today: 'Your Majesty, the state of Israel'. The Jews have always owed their existence to the power God alone and not to their own force or to the might of their history. And here we have another case of this kind of existence of Israel. Also today among those Arabs and among the two great blocks, east and the west, this small little community exists, and humanly speaking God alone can help them to exist. And it seems that He will do so."
  • Barth, Karl, 2006: Inspelning av muntligt svar på en fråga i samband med Evangelical Theology, American Lectures i Chicago och i Princeton 1962. Concise Logic: Martinsdale MT.

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