14 september 2013

#148. Karl har ordet...

"We cannot believe and worry. Or, rather, when we believe, we can only believe and in this faith cast all our worries on the Lord. If we act otherwise, then we just don't believe, and then, of course, we are lost. Then things don't work in the practical world, either. Then we also fail in reality. Then we no longer know how to help ourselves. Then the long discussion begin again, and the little embarressments. Once again we are what we were when we started out, and the inward and outward strength of the Lord is gone again. We are again petty little human beings, a little bit too bold, a little bit too impractical in the way we tackle things. And then? Well, then it's over.

The misfortune in the church consists simply in the fact that people have always believed too little. Oh, they have always believed so strongly and and so boldly! But the misfortune was always that in believing they have then looked at the other side, where the focus is no longer on Jesus but on tactical and practical matters, on one's own self and its wishes and its embarressments, on people, on the course of the world. If they had only believed, then they would not even have needed to believe so boldly. A mustard seed would have had the power to move mountains."

(Karl Barth, s. 11)

  • Barth, Karl, 2009: Insights. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. Utg på tyska 2001 av Theologischer Verlag Zürich. Texter i urval av Eberhard Busch, ur Predigten 1921-35, s. 354.

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